Armed with a DSLR Camera, a Fisheye Lens, and a Tripod, I was able to help create two virtual 360 tours for UVU.
The first tour was designed and developed for the College of Engineering and Technology specifically for a VR environment. Was responsible for gathering all assets including 360 degree images and all other interactive images/videos. Used multiple software programs to turn images into a full interactive tour of the campus. VR tour was used during the COVID-19 Pandemic to provide a safe alternative for high school students to tour the college campus. 
A similar tour was also created for the Engineering department at UVU to help them with their accreditation process during the COVID-19 Pandemic. I worked closely with the Engineering department faculty to help create a tour of their various labs and facilities. Was responsible for shooting and reshooting existing 360 panorama images, post production of all images and creation of final tour. 

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